Wield Your Sensitivity as a Superpower
The last time someone said to me “God Sonia, you’re so sensitive “ I responded “ I know I’m so lucky. “
I haven’t always been excited about my constitution. For most of my life I’ve been apologizing for and trying to get over this fundamental flaw – extreme sensitivity. I’ve tried to toughen up, push on through and be like everyone else. At times I pretend I can drink coffee every day, party till late into the night and remain unaffected by criticism. But I can’t, not really. Can you relate ?
If you think you’re a highly sensitive person, keep reading. You’re amongst friends here. In fact, you’re part of a select squadron of individuals who are wired differently than the rest. Our nervous systems and brain structures are highly attuned to take in far more information than other people. Every sight, sound and experience is brilliantly rich. It’s like we’re living in high definition.
Research suggests we inhabit about 20% of the population. That’s 4.5 million of us in my home country Australia ( I looked up the world figures but the word billions completely overwhelmed me so I had to focus on just one continent).
TakE A LOOk At This List Of TrAits TO See If YOu Might Be Part Of The SensitIve Squad:
You need lots of quiet and alone time
Caffeine and alcohol have a strong often negative affect on you
You have skin rashes or allergies to foods and the environment
You’re easily overwhelmed and often exhausted
You’re prone to anxiety, depression or swing between both
Loud noise and bright lights often startle and overstimulate you
You’re hyper-sensitive to criticism
Violence in real life or on TV is intolerable to you
You can feel the emotions of others and often “take them on” yourself
You feel different to everyone else
You have strong intuition and often just “know” things
You’re very compassionate and empathetic towards others
As a member of the sensitive squad you’ve probably had your fair share of drama. Many struggle with addictions, end up in abusive relationships and suffer other traumatic events which only exacerbate things.
Or Bust Open YOur SuperpOwers…
In traditional indigenous cultures you would be seen as a shaman, a healer or knower. You would be identified at a young age and be given a mentor to help you hone your gift and fulfill your role in the community. Usually these people go through some kind of accident, illness or psycho spiritual crisis which initiates them into their role.
This is the dark night of the soul you might have gone through or be in the midst of and which can ultimately lead you to your calling. You become what some call “the wounded healer” but I prefer to call “the wayshower.” Because you’ve personally been to Hell and back you now have a map of the territory and can light the way for others. You may become a healer, an artist, musician, a writer or simply raise your children in a conscious new way, inspiring others.
Our Western culture has no framework for understanding and utilizing the gifts of extremely sensitive people. Instead, you’re told to toughen up, get over it and be like everyone else. In the worse cases sometimes diagnosed, medicated or even locked away.
SO HOw Can YOu Turn YOur Curse IntO A BlEssing And WielD YOur SensitIvity As A SuperpOwer?
1) Own it.
Face up to the fact that you’re not going to change your constitution but instead you can to learn how to thrive with it. Trying to change or feeling like a victim of fate will not get you anywhere. Ironically, once you start to discover and use the gifts of sensitivity you will become stronger and dare I say it – less sensitive.
2) Become acutely aware of your needs
Identify which foods, activities, people and environments nourish and support you and which ones don’t. Try this : take a piece of paper and draw a line down the center. On one side write “things which make me feel great” and on the other “things which make me feel bad” then just write free form on both sides. Eliminate the bads from your life and make the greats non-negotiable. Period.
3) Connect with your squadron
I once took my man to a shamanic conference and he was amazed to discover so many other people just like me. It can be a huge relief to know you’re not weird or alone. And once you step into your superpower great collaborative ideas will begin to emerge from your squad. You don’t have to hang out with them all the time but the regular connections will really help you. Look locally or search for an online forum. My gang hangs out here sometimes https://www.facebook.com/soniasommer.page Take classes, go places and meet your people.
4) Find a mentor
You need someone to help you navigate through and out of your struggles. Find someone who’s been through what you’re going through and can teach you how to claim your gifts and thrive. All cultures and traditions have sensitives, often they’re spiritual teachers. Follow whatever you’re drawn to. Read books, educate yourself and learn what it takes to break free from difficulties and fully step into your power. I have lots of free resources over at http://soniasommer.com/blog/ so pop over and take advantage of them.
5) Identify your soul’s calling and follow it
The Native Americans say we are all born with a unique gift. They call it your original medicine. If you do not express it, it will be lost to the world forever. Not to put any pressure on you but this can give you a new motivation to know your calling and deliver it. The world needs that special gift that only you have. That thing that absolutely lights you up, the thing that you can’t stop doing even if you tried. Do that thing. That’s your soul’s calling. Your unique superpower.
You’re pretty awesome. Don’t forget that. Unique yes. Gifted absolutely. And I’m on your squad.